Friday, January 28, 2011

apt-get - how to update, upgrade

It is not necessary that apt-get fetches the latest versions you needed always. You have to update the list of places from where new versions can be fetched.

It works like this:

apt-get looks at:


You have to update that file with proper links:

This post explains it well:

remember Ubundu 8.xx is called hardy, other versions have got different names.. find out and use accordingly.
use: "cat /etc/issue" or "lsb_release -a" to find out the version of linux u r running

once updated the list use
man apt-get to know how to update and upgrade the version list.

then use apt-get install .... to update your libraries with the new versions.

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About Me

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Jaison Paul Mulerikkal is the Vice Principal of Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology (RSET), Kochi. He was the Principal of Jyothi Engineering College (JEC), Cheruthuruthy, Trissur, India. He is a member of CMI Sacred Heart Province, Kochi. He is a civil engineer by profession, but did his Masters in Information Systems from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia and subsequently received his PhD in High Performance Scientific Computing from the Australian National University. He had worked as a computational scientist at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.