Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Shrink Preview PDF files without ruining image quality

The following instructions at the given link are pretty useful.


If you are not satisfied with results of the Reduce File Size filter (which we use to make PDFs small enough to send by e-mail, etc), follow these steps:

Go to the folder /System/Library/Filters, and open the XML file: Reduce File Size.qfilter

Now rename (copy) that into three files: Reduce File Size Good.qfilter, Reduce File Size Better.qfilter, and Reduce File Size Best.qfilter. Then change the parameters of each file: 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 for Compression Quality (respectively) and 842, 1684, and 3508 for ImageSizeMax (ditto). (The first is A4-size at 72dpi, the second A4 at 144dpi, and the third A4 at 300dpi).
Finally, change the default string for the Name Key at the end of each file—which is what displays in the Export menu—to match its file name. 
You will have 3 versions of PDF quality filters, when you "export" files to PDF next time. 

About Me

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Jaison Paul Mulerikkal is the Vice Principal of Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology (RSET), Kochi. He was the Principal of Jyothi Engineering College (JEC), Cheruthuruthy, Trissur, India. He is a member of CMI Sacred Heart Province, Kochi. He is a civil engineer by profession, but did his Masters in Information Systems from RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia and subsequently received his PhD in High Performance Scientific Computing from the Australian National University. He had worked as a computational scientist at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.